Studying Paradox and Grand Challenges


There is increasing scholarly interest in studying grand challenges such as poverty, climate change and inequality. Paradox theory offers a relevant lens to understand grand challenges. Drawing on this wave of scholarly interest, we are organizing a virtual paper development workshop to support researchers studying grand challenges and paradox. This workshop follows our successful webinar on the same topic in February.

We have invited the submission of long-abstracts (750-1000 words) of your paradox and grand challenges paper. Topics include but are not limited to: paradox and grand challenges, paradox and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, paradox and societal change. We have selected three promising abstracts for discussion during our paper development session. We especially encourage PhD students and junior scholars to join.

This workshop will entail extensive feedback from the participants on the paper presentations. We are excited to have Ann Langley (HEC Montréal), Charlene Zietsma (Pennsylvania State University) and Wendy Smith (University of Delaware) joining us as discussants. We will assign them to the papers to seed the feedback which will be followed by inputs from others. We will also discuss themes across the papers and opportunities to continue the discussion beyond the workshop. We hope you join us!

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Dr. Katrin Heucher
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