Paradox & Polarity Thinking with Barry Johnson
A paradox community event with Barry Johnson from Polarity Partnerships about #Paradox & #PolarityThinking based on his new book "And - Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity, Paradox or Dilemma "!
A paradox community event on 17th Feb, 4am-6am ET / 10am - 12pm CET & 10am-12pm ET / 4pm-6pm CET.
We are thrilled to host Barry Johnson for the upcoming edition of our 'Paradox &'-Session to allow you to experience the power of polarity thinking. He will guide us through his process based on his two new books: "And - Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity, Paradox or Dilemma". Vol. 1 Foundations, Vol. 2 Applications. Barry Johnson's 1992 book 'Polarity Management has inspired and impacted paradox scholarship in many ways. Lecturers all around the world have used the polarity map to help students understand the power of embracing contradictions. Researchers have studied how dilemmas and chronic tensions sparked teams' creativity and proved how leaders and organizations that leverage polarities outperform those that don't.
Join us when we speak with Barry Johnson from Polarity Partnerships about Paradox & Polarity Thinking and he will allow us to experience the power of polarity thinking around our own work and personal life!
Researchers, students, managers, you are all welcome!
Special gift: Upon signing up you will receive free chapters of Barry's books as a pre-read for the session!
Co-organized by: Angela Greco, Katrin Heucher, and Wendy K. Smith
Leveraging Tensions & Polarity Partnerships